Advantages of Amazon Seller Central that you Should Know

2 min readAug 17, 2021


Amazon is a global leader in the eCommerce market. And, it is every seller’s dream to become a successful seller on this marketplace because of the benefits it offers. If you are aiming for the same, you must have heard of the debate on Amazon seller central vs. vendor central. But I am not here to comment on anything on this topic. All I want to discuss is the advantages of using a seller central account, my personal favorite.

So let’s begin!

Amazon Seller Central

Seller Central on Amazon is a web platform designed for sellers who want to sell independently on this marketplace. In simple terms, the sellers who have Amazon Seller Accounts can sell directly to their customers. These accounts are known as third-party sellers as Amazon is not involved in deciding the properties of products.

With this, the third-party Amazon sellers also have two options for delivery and shipment. They can either choose Fulfillment by Amazon service or provide their own delivery services.

But what are the benefits of using Amazon seller central? Let’s understand from these points!

Advantages of Amazon Seller Central

The superiority of seller central or third-party seller account is evident from these advantages provided by the marketplace:

  • Better Control Over Products

The biggest advantage a seller gets from using Amazon Seller Central is that you have entire control over your products and your account. Moreover, you can track all activities like product shipment and return.

  • Controlled Product Messaging

Another benefit of having a seller central account is that it is enrolled under Amazon’s brand registry program. It means that an unauthorized 3rd-party seller or retail partner can’t list the older version of your products without your permission.

  • Control Over Product Price

The product’s price is one of the essential factors that the sellers want to keep in their control. And, having an Amazon Seller Central account allows you to adjust your product price as per your need. You can even update it according to the prices your competitor is offering.

  • Easy Analysis

Amazon offers customer data to the sellers having a third-party seller account. This data is quite a handful in analyzing sales and demand of the product you are selling on this marketplace. The best advantage that seller central account holders get is that this entire data is free of cost for them. So, now with flexibility in adjusting product price, you can earn high profit in the festive season.

To Conclude

Amazon is the global leader of the eCommerce world and the first choice of consumers for making a buying decision. With the benefits offered by Amazon seller central accounts, you can take your business to the next level and utilize this platform more efficiently.

What are your thoughts on this?




I am a full-time Tech writer and a learner. I am always looking for new ideas and topics that can amaze me!